Goodbye Guildford
(Thursday 7/19) Our last full day together started with us all meeting outside our rooms in the hall to walk up to the reindeer together...
(Thursday 7/19) Our last full day together started with us all meeting outside our rooms in the hall to walk up to the reindeer together...
(Wednesday 7/18) Wednesday brought our final presentations. Everyone's topics were very interesting and I learned a lot more about these...
(Tuesday 7/17) Today was our last excursion :-( but it was a really interesting one! We went to the Amazon Headquarters in London to...
(Monday 7/16) We started the last week of the program with heavy hearts; we have grown so close over this time and it will be so weird to...
(Thursday 7/12) Today proved to be mostly uneventful, with class most of the day, before hurrying off to our rooms to finish assignments...
(Wednesday 7/11) Today we traveled to Oxford. I didn't really realize Oxford kind of described the whole area rather than just the...
(Tuesday 7/10) Well it would have been a nice day to sleep in, if I hadn't been woken up to jackhammers early in the morning, as well as...
(Monday 7/9) Today was a big "shopping day" as we checked out some of London's most well known shopping areas. We started at Oxford St....
(Saturday 7/7) I gave up nice long sleep (like an hour of it but still) to go the the Spitalfields Style Market Saturday morning. We all...
(Friday 7/6) Friday we made our way to Bath. It felt like such a different place and almost made you feel like you had left England and...
(Thursday 7/5) Today was mostly uneventful - a full class day and everyone was super tired and had a lot to do so right after class we...
(Wednesday 7/4) Ah yes the 4th of July. This is literally the most ironic place to spend our Independence Day and it was so weird not...
(Tuesday 7/3) You know what a free day means... sleep!! Meanwhile the boys got up early again to do s some crazy nonsense, but we took...
(Monday 7/2) After getting some amazing rest of Sunday, I was well rested and ready to go on Monday! We took a couple different modes of...
(Saturday 6/30 - Sunday 7/1) The next morning, after sleeping in until 11am (blessed), we grabbed a quick breakfast at a nearby cafe. I...
(Friday 6/29) After about 2 hours of sleep, we got up the next morning at 3am (3am!!!!!) to head to London Heathrow to catch our flight...
(Thursday 6/28) With Thursday came our first day of class, which almost all of us were a few minutes late to (sorry!). I'm honestly not...
(Wednesday 6/27) We woke up bright and early the next morning (let's count how many times I say bright and early throughout this blog - I...
(Tuesday 6/26) The 26th brought the main part of this journey - the true beginning of my study abroad trip. We were told the taxi from...
(Thursday 6/21 - Monday 6/25) My journey to London started a bit earlier than many others, with my flight leaving Thursday.. my flight...