(Monday 7/16)
We started the last week of the program with heavy hearts; we have grown so close over this time and it will be so weird to leave everyone once it's all done!
The main part of the day consisted of class and final advice/critiques before our presentations on Wednesday. After class we all rushed off to try to finish our assignments, so they would be all done and not a worry anymore. Most of the afternoon was this - finishing assignments, resting, watching Love Island, before regrouping for dinner.
We tried out a new place this time, a tucked away gem called Cozy Club. It had an interesting atmosphere, one of those kind of quirky places with portraits on the wall, and a bit of an old timey feel, but in a modern ish way. They had really good food though. I had a very hard time deciding, but left it down to a game time decision and went with a chicken filet with fries and slaw, which was a very very good choice. We stayed at Cozy Club for quite awhile, just making conversation and trying to wrap our minds around leaving at the end of the week. We talked about scary movies, actually, which made for a very eerie trip to the bathroom by myself. Someone thought it would be not creepy to decorate a dimly lit staircase with creepy portraits on the wall, then play creepy music very softly in a dimly lit bathroom. I almost had a heart attack on the way back down with those portraits staring at me. Somehow I survived, and we all once again returned to our rooms for a night of assignments and Love Island.
