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Hottest Heat I Have Ever Experienced

Updated: Jul 26, 2018

(Thursday 7/5)

Today was mostly uneventful - a full class day and everyone was super tired and had a lot to do so right after class we went back to our rooms with a plan to regroup for dinner. On the way back from class Nandi, Tony, Devin, and I stopped by the market they had set up outside today, and I bought some cheese pastry stick things and a piece of Oreo cheesecake that I have high expectations for. The cheese sticks ended up being more pastry-like than I expected, rather than the more bready ones we have back home. I originally planned to take a 2 hour nap because I knew otherwise I would not make it through the day, I was just so tired. I set an alarm for 4:30pm, believing that would be sufficient for my nap, but ended up snoozing the alarm several times, making my final wake up time 5:30pm.

I had really odd dreams, probably from being so tired, and I really wish I could remember what they were about, but the most I can remember and piece together is that it was some sort of inception scenario and I knew I was dreaming and was trying to wake up, but I would just wake up in another dream. Not in a scary or stressful way, more just annoying than anything else. It was just irritating because I wanted to wake up and just ended up in another dream.

After that whole deal, I finally woke up and stopped snoozing my alarm, and once I actually started to fully wake up, everyone was texting about eating, so the timing worked out really well. We went down to Nando's and I got the same thing I have been getting there - the butterfly chicken medium heat with peri peri chips, but got a supergrain thing (different types of beans with an avocado/ranch dressing - which was actually very tasty) instead of the simple mixed greens I got last time. Their herb peri peri sauce is so good, and I even tried the hot sauce this time, which actually wasn't that hot to the taste, but after the two sauces my nose was running a little bit and you could hear a slight sniffling around the table.

On the way back, we stopped by the Tesco Express, since everyone was running low on snacks and it was much more convenient than walking all the way to the full Tesco. I was very pleasantly surprised by the amount everything added up to, as I was really expecting to spend more. I tried to get more healthy snacks this time, like grapes, apples, and granola, rather than chips (or I guess I should say *crisps).

We made it back and I was at the point of desperately needing to do laundry, as all my t-shirts were dirty and those are the most important lol. Apparently the laundry room requires a student ID card to get in that yes, we should have already gotten, but thankfully it appears to be a popular laundry time so Emily and I slipped in behind another group of students who also did not appear to have ID cards, but had a friend inside let them in. So here I am, in the hottest room of existence, scared to go outside in case I cannot get back in, but at least I will have clean clothes - however the shirt I am wearing will now need to be washed because I am sweating actual bullets and I don't know how everyone else is surviving in here but I am barely surviving and certainly not thriving and I was this close to going and getting my fan but there is no outlet in here so I have just accepted my fate of melting.

There are fans in here though so I don't know what that's about because they are definitely not effective in any sort of way. The only relief I have from the heat is when someone walks by me and I get a slight breeze from their movement.


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